
Pierre Martinez, PI

I did my PhD in Bioinformatics in the lab of Franca Fraternali (Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, King’s College London, UK), before 2 post-docs in the bioinformatics of cancer evolution in the labs of Charles Swanton (Translational Cancer Therapeutics, CRUK London Research Insitute, UK) and Trevor Graham (Evolution and Cancer, Barts Cancer Institute UK). I joined the Cancer Research Centre of Lyon in 2016 and obtained a permanent PI (Chargé de Recherche) position from INSERM, the French national institute for health and medical research, in 2018. At CRCL, I was a member of Alain Puisieux’s team (Cancer Cell Plasticity) and recently joined the team of Pierre Saintigny (Integrated Analyses of Cancer Dynamics). I am developing my own research projects as well as contributing to bigger efforts from the team.


  1. Angèle Coutant: PhD Student (Bioinformatics)
  2. Ines Kardous: Master student
  3. Post-doc to be recruited


  1. Laurianne Muller: Technician / Assistant engineer
  2. Léa Vernack: Technician / Assistant engineer
  3. Thomas Guillot: Technician / Engineer
  4. Marine Moindrot: Technician / Engineer
  5. Zinara Lidamahasolo: Master student (Bioinformatics)
  6. Islam El Boudi: Master student (Bioinformatics)
  7. Boris Lipinski: Master student (Bioinformatics)
  8. Da Silva Lydie: Master student (Public Health)
  9. Tokutomi Natsuki: Exchange Master student (Biostatistics, Tokyo University)
  10. Laloé Monteiro: Undergrad student